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XiaoBernard99 | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Laurenan15-Jun-2018 20:55
Bonjour Bernard ....

Ce soir j'ai souhaité ralentir le tumulte tu temps qui m'environne , ce week end pour vous dire que je vais me promener dans vos galeries ....J en ai besoin ....

Nouvelles du Breton des Gens de Mer


Jean Fabrice
Tom Briggs25-Jul-2016 12:41
Bernard Mon Ami ... haven't seen any posts from you lately and hope all is well ... Tom
Mike Stobbs04-Aug-2015 16:38
Very nice the car stuff so much...bravo keep up the super work!!!! Mike
coffre fort23-May-2015 18:05
Nice work !
perte cheveux17-May-2015 12:02
nice pictures
hamery07-Mar-2015 16:23
Thank you Bernard for visiting my gallery and is so nice to meet u in PB. Thanks again for your comment. Wishing U and your love ones here have a warm and happy 2015.
Guest 14-Dec-2014 14:31
Your Memories since 2007 is a delightful, gorgeous walk in life. Its inspirational. John
hermankervel09-Mar-2014 09:09
nice pictures
janescottcumming07-Jun-2013 17:10
I am anxious to explore all your wonderful work. I love what I have seen so far!
eaglecheung27-May-2013 09:27
Hi Bernard,
Would you advise me what kind of B&W software you are using to tune those amazing pics?
Tks a lot in advance.
samikosemi15-May-2013 08:30
Hi there,
You have a great pictures ...
I like your eye in the pictures ...
You are one of my fevorite now ...
Sami !
Laurenan21-Dec-2012 17:44
J'ai mis le lien de ton fils ici
sait-on jamais,si cela peut servir .......
Bye jfab
Jeff Gegner23-Nov-2012 02:39
Your images are amazing! Impossible to pick a favorite.
danad25-Sep-2012 15:35
Back from a trip to Brittany, I enjoy looking to your gallery on this enchanted land. Thank you for sharing your beautiful images.
Laurenan09-Sep-2012 21:07
Cette semaine,j'ai vu des belles choses
dans ton travail,notamment tes galeries
dédiées au genre humain,toujours aussi
somptueuses !!

Kénavo du Breton
Bart Aldrich08-Sep-2012 23:18
Your body of work is just awesome! Cheers!
artist03-Aug-2012 10:49
Hi.... I like your photos so much... you are really so creative photographer..
im an artist and i paint on canvas, paper etc ... I hope we can be good friends.
Hervé C. 05-Jan-2012 20:16
Bonjour Bernard,

Meilleurs voeux pour cette nouvelle année, et superbe galerie que j'ai découvert à partir d'un post de Dyxum traitant la qualité du 28-70G.

Et quelle surprise de trouver un vosgien, c'est bien cela ?
Je suis un Minoltiste de l'autre côté, proche Munster.

A bientôt, j’espère, sur les hauteurs du Hohneck, ou sur d'autres reliefs.

Hervé C
Stephanie22-Dec-2011 23:54
Bonjour Bernard ~
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!
Steph :)
Jean-Marie Choisel14-Dec-2011 10:58
Merci beaucoup Bernard pour vos aimables commentaires sur mes photos de Salers dans le Cantal. C'est l'un des plus beaux villages de France et les photos ne rendent pas tout à fait son charme.
P.S. Etant originaire de la région Metz-Thionville, je connais bien les Vosges (où j'ai appris à skier) et Gérardmer avec ses jonquilles et sa fête (tous les 4 ans je crois).
ac04-Dec-2011 07:50
Toute une vie en photos, enfin, ce qu'on peut en exprimer, avec ses drames et sa poésie.
Pleines d'émotion tes galeries Bernard. Beau travail photographique.
Guest 24-Aug-2011 08:26
I really appreciate all your comments ! I feel your being too kind to me, thank you for stopping by, I feel you are a true artist with your camera ! and enjoy your photographs very very much !
kind regards
nige5013-May-2011 07:42
Thanks for taking the and looking in mygallery

Fabienne18-Jan-2011 19:17
Bonsoir Bernard,
Je viens régulièrement voir tes galerie et je suis toujours aussi contente de découvrir tes images.
On y ressent beaucoup de sensibilité et d'inspiration. Une bonne maitrise technique et des cadrages soignés offrent une constante qualité qui est très agréable à regarder.
meilleures salutations. fabi
Peter Sussex24-Dec-2010 15:41
Dear Bernard,

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you everything on your wish list. May you have a very Happy and Healthy New Year too!
Gerard Koehl20-Dec-2010 17:58
Merci Bernard de votre visite et de vos commentaires qui me font vraiment plaisir.
Je suis admiratif par toutes ces merveilles que j'ai pu entrevoir. J'y reviendrai plus régulièrement car je vous ai ajouté dans mes favoris.
Amitié photographique,
Dan Greenberg02-Dec-2010 05:53
Thanks Bernard for visiting my galleries. It has given me the supreme pleasure of discovering all of your amazing artistry. I have added you to my favorites and will be back to visit many times I am sure.

Patrick DEBETENCOURT11-Nov-2010 11:08
Bonjour et merci pour les beaux voyages que vous nous proposez par vos galeries.
J'y ai pris beaucoup de plaisir, car vous y présentez une fort belles sélection de vos clichés, et je tenais à vous en remercier !
Je reviendrai, à bientôt donc !
Thomas Bernhardsson29-Sep-2010 17:53
Hi Bernard!
I just have to thank you for all your kind comments in my galleries. It´s very much appreciated. Now I'll take the time to watch some of your galleries.

Regards /Thomas
Laurenan13-Sep-2010 11:43
Salut Bernard ,je passe le bonjour aux Bretonneuses
est -ce que ton habillage de galerie " fond de page " est le même
procédé du N° CSS de l'image " exemple te galerie de motocross "
comme tu m'as expliqué pour le fond du " profile "
Ce week -end fut une fabuleux mélange
de patates chaudes en robe des champs,de lait ribot,de crêpes
de toutes déclinaisons possibles,d'andouille de Guéméné , de beurre
salé,je ne rentre plus dans mes " gaines " mais je m'en fout , vive
la photo,la Bretagne ,La Terre ,les humains ,vive la vie!!!
Hodero06-Sep-2010 11:33
Wow amigo,you have some pretty galleries here.
Love your photographic eye and skills.
Very nice outlay of the different galleries too.
Cheerio from Curacao....
Laurenan30-Jul-2010 16:38
Bonjour Bernard ,très heureux de te lire après mes escapades Bretonnes , effectivement les images d'avions sont prises sur le site de la Ferté ,il me faut bien ça pour compenser ma Bretagne ,La Ferté Alais est en quelque sorte ma deuxième pièce à jouer ,depuis maintenant quelques années que je crapahute dans les bois ,impossible de ne pas aimer cet endroit magique, nous récupérons aussi cet année le Spitfire basé actuellement à Dijon ,donc de futures belles images en devenir ,merci encore à toi pour ta fidélité , et à ce propos je félicite aussi l'habillage de ton site de toute beauté et si d'aventure tu avais un tuyau à me donner pour que j'en fasse de même ,cela fait un paquet de temps que j'essaie d'améliorer ma page profile ,sans grand succès ,ayant deux bras gauches en informatique ceci explique peut-être cela , Kénavo et à bientôt .

Jean Fabrice


j'ai suivi scrupuleusement tes recommandations à la lettre pour mon court exile Breton
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography28-Jul-2010 07:57
les grands congratulations de Votre travaille.
Guest 06-Jul-2010 23:05
Terrific variety of images. Thanks again for looking at mine. France is a beautiful and hospitable country.
Cheers from Texas,
nicolebouglouan20-Jun-2010 07:20
Superb galleries and very good works!
Thank you for your visit and kind comment.
Kind regards,
Guest 13-Jun-2010 07:52
Thank you for your comments on my pictures.
I really like your work.
Best regards
Laurenan04-Jun-2010 11:55
Bonjour et merci Bernard pour vos messages sur les avions ,une journée inoubliable
du son,des odeurs ,un régal à photographier !!


Jean Fabrice
Guest 17-Mar-2010 22:17
Hi XiaoBernard.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my galleries and for your very kind comments. I looked through your galleries and was truly inspired by your work. I love the Curious gallery especially and the shot With Love From Me To You, it is beautiful. Keep up the great work and thanks again for your kind comments.
Manas Khan05-Mar-2010 01:01
I really like your photography and that's the reason come back again and again to see them. Thanks for you appreciating comments on my photographs!

Tom Briggs27-Jan-2010 18:16
Bernard, I hope all is well with you and family ... I get worried when someone like you does'nt post any photos for a long time. Best Regards, Tom
Laurenan18-Nov-2009 16:41
Je découvre ou redécouvre vos galeries cet après-midi ,
une sorte d'endroits dans lesquels il est toujours rassurant de ce promener
de belles illustrations du monde qui nous entoure .

Laurenan " du 12 NOV 09 à aujourd'hui le 18 NOV 09 " 371 Jours de dilettante
et autres flâneries photographiques divers ....
an nguyen02-Nov-2009 00:15
I can't believe that I never sign your guess book.
I admire your photo work and your travel blogs.
Anne Nguyen
Victoria01-Nov-2009 19:10
Hey XiaoBernard

thanks for droping by my gallery , really appreciate your comments !!!
your have wonderful wonderful gallery !!!!keep good work on :)
Guest 25-Oct-2009 02:12
Thanks for coming Bernard
Nice to hear someone far away like you who love our country
I always want to visit the Southern France and taste some nice wine :]
Pui 23-Oct-2009 16:49
I'm from hong kong.I love your work.A picturesque village.Good job.......
Rosemarie Kusserow13-Oct-2009 13:41
After enjoying your so beautiful galleries so often it is a shame that I didn´t wrote on your guestbook since today Xiaobernard, thanks for posting your wonderful works, it is always a plesure to view at, kind regards, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 09-Oct-2009 23:03
Hi, XiaoBernard
I love your work. well done. China in your photos look amazing.

A Chinese living in Australia
nicolebouglouan13-Jan-2009 15:34
Merci de votre longue visite dans mes galeries et de vos aimables commentaires.
Je viens de parcourir les vôtres, en m'arrêtant bien sûr sur les oiseaux, et j'ai beaucoup aimé ce que j'y ai trouvé, notamment les grèbes et les colverts. Très belles images!
Kathrine 15-Dec-2008 17:16
Hello ^_^
Can i use your pictures on
Laurenan12-Nov-2008 11:54
Pour moi aussi , il fera bon se ressourcer dans vos galeries , il y demeure une atmosphère
granuleuse et salée à souhait comme j'aime .......Merci Mr Bernard et je vous somme
de continuez !!!!
Carol How23-Oct-2008 05:22
Thanks Bernard for your very kind support. I believe you have a great sense of the spirit of life and your photography shows it. Regards, Ann
Guest 02-Oct-2008 14:26
Thanks for the comments on my images...
Susan Kim26-Aug-2008 14:49
hi there, i am happy to meet you receive your visit to my praha night gallery. It's nice to see your wonderful photos. thank you and i will visit you again,
Bartosz Kotulski10-Jul-2008 16:16
Thanh you for such a nice tour. I really like your work. All the best from Ireland.
Guest 09-Jul-2008 08:32
Hello Bernard

Thank you for visiting my galleries and your lovely comments. You have some delightful images here and I've just enjoyed looking around your wonderful galleries.

Kind regards to you.
edwin08-Jun-2008 01:16
it is always a pleasure to flip through your photo books. thanks for sharing.
Guest 15-May-2008 00:37
Thank you, thank you for you're kindness! And yours (galleries) are oh so beautiful. I only hope that someday...
Thank you for sharing beautiful beautiful photos...
Ciao Dawn
Guest 10-May-2008 19:03
Thanks for commenting and visitng my galleries! You have some very nice bird shots too, the grebe gallery is amazing!
Yves Marquis24-Apr-2008 00:22
ML23-Apr-2008 17:33
Lovely gallery you have here! I much enjoy your photo documentary style of photogrpahy on various countries! Thanks for visiting my gallery! Keep inspring us all!
MASAMI I26-Feb-2008 00:14
Thank you for visiting my gallery and your kind words.
Darbowski07-Feb-2008 11:13
Merci de ta visite et de tes commentaires ! J'aime beaucoup tes galeries et je reviendrai régulièrement les visiter !!!
Amitiés photographiques et motardes !!!!
Guest 19-Jan-2008 19:46
Thanks Bernard for your positive comments on my site. I have just viewed yours and it is very touching and beautifully done.
edwin14-Jan-2008 21:58
Dear Bernard: thank you for sharing part of your treasure... content and calm. Edwin
Guest 08-Jan-2008 13:34
Hi Bernard, Thanks for dropping a few positive lines on my guestbook...infact i have learned a great deals from your gallery.

Warmest Regards.
Simon Chandler06-Jan-2008 07:48
Dear Bernard,

Thank you very much for visiting my galleries. Thank you for spending considerable time in commenting my images. Your comments are most encouraging and helpful.

I enjoyed your images a lot, a great show of humanity.

kimene S25-Dec-2007 04:15
Hi bernard! Thankyou so much for your lovely comments! And thankyou ever more for your awe inspiring work! An honor!
Wishing you a beautiful, safe and joyus xmas!
CM Kwan24-Dec-2007 14:36
Hi Bernard,

Thanks so much for visiting my galleries and gave me encouraging messages. Wish you and your family a Merry Xmas and all the best in 2008!

Fong Lam24-Dec-2007 11:08
Dear Bernard,

Thank you very much for all your kind comments on many of my images. I really appreciate them. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Guest 21-Dec-2007 11:03
Dear Bernard,
Thank you for your visit and comments.
Wish you a Merry X'mas and Happy New Year
Guest 02-Dec-2007 18:29
Great Gallery
Guest 27-Nov-2007 08:12
Thankyou for your kind comments, I particularly like your 'people shots' a very nice collection.
Guest 04-Nov-2007 05:16
Hi Levenez
Thank you for visiting and give me your comments.
I really like your "life" style photos.
Jeremy25-Oct-2007 12:00
Thank you for your comments on my pictures. I have viewed your website also, and your galleries are superb, full of human emotions. Enjoyed them thoroughly. Rgds.
alfredo camba jr.10-Oct-2007 05:06
Hi Levenez,
Your gallery is filled with beautiful images. Keep up the good work.
Thanks too for all your kind comments.
JUn camba
Eric Pouhier09-Oct-2007 15:20
Merci d'être passé sur mes galleries et d'avoir posté des commentaires, c'est vraiment très sympa.
Guest 07-Oct-2007 17:09
Merci beaucoup pour les nombreux commentaires sur mes galleries cela fait extremement plasirs.
Marcia Manzello03-Oct-2007 08:36
Thank you so much, I appreciate that you took the time to visit and comment on my gallery.
It is very important and very encouraging! I went through your work, and it looks like you are very creative yourself…I will definitely check it out with more time to fully enjoy it.
Robert_Wang :-)30-Sep-2007 14:52
Thank you so much for visiting and giving me your thoughts. I truly appreciate your time and education. BR
簡嘉宏 | Chien Chia-Hung28-Sep-2007 13:37
Thanks for your comments, I'm not professional, just enjoyed to record events of my life by photograph. Yes it's me on the photo, and I'm 33 years old. Surprise?? :-)
Guest 27-Sep-2007 16:02
thank you for your suggestions, and the place i took pictures of WINDOW_ON_CHINA, is located in HSINCHU county, TAIWAN, all things in there are small size of the real buildings, it is an interesting place.
Sam_C21-Sep-2007 07:26
Thank you for your kind words dear friend! I most appreciate your comments. I greatly enjoy your work, you are a GREAT photographer with a very creative eye. Keep up the great work you're doing! Best Regards, Sam