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Cliff Bernzweig | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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apakprearge 21-Apr-2013 23:29
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Guest 29-Sep-2007 01:42
YO!! burnsey, it's hanna from madison high!! you never got a facebook like you promised!! ): get one now! go to and sign up, man. then search for me!!! your favorite student, right? guess what!? i'm a first violin now! you've taught me well. we all miss you! sarah moodster and everyone. and even though you only had kerry lee for one year, i'm sure she misses you too.

violin lessons are DULL this year. ): well not really, but they were way more awesome when you were teaching it, mr. awesome!! when mr. silvestri broke the news to the orchestra on the first day of school, several students cried. we're having chair auditions soon and i was excited until i remembered YOU wouldn't be giving them!! how's life without us, your darling students? how's gwen? marriage coming soon?

i saw you have lots of nature pictures up on some sites. nice. i like the squirrels.

yo guess what happened to me the other day! lemme tell you a story, burns. so i was buying lunch for my table (they were paying me) and greg wanted a bagel and stuff so i came back and he took the dollar he was going to pay me with and i was like "WHAAT you took my money" so he said, he says "nah i'll buy you lunch instead" and i thought he meant at like the school cafeteria! so i was all "but i don't buy lunch" so HE was all "no like, out of school" and i said "no greg i need like a SET DATE. i can't just let you get away without paying me for getting your lunch" and he was like "okay, bottle hill day, i'll get you lunch" and i was like WHOA. i didn't think it was a date-ish thing until he said something, and tell me if you think this is strange: "oh and... don't bring anyone else, like because i don't want to pay for everyone" and i was like "uh ok" but then i realized that that doesn't even make SENSE. like, he obviously wouldn't pay for other people, even if they came. and sarah said he was acting all like ehhh to me at lunch, saying stuff like "hanna you're awesome" to me !!!!!!!! big news?!?

peace out and get a facebook and friend me,
hanna "the yellow dart" ostrom
Guest 08-Mar-2007 08:49
Keep going forward. You have so much potential.
Greg 23-Aug-2005 03:30
Cliff! Wow! Great pictures, the variety and photography are impressive.
Lisa 17-Aug-2005 18:13
Awesome pics, Cliff! I especially love the snakes - great close ups!
JANE 09-Jul-2005 16:50
Super! Keen! I love the loon(s) on the lake pictures, and the common loon was cool, too!
Gramp&Gram 28-Feb-2005 17:20
Great photos,Cliff. Imagine all those owls so near you---like living near the old road.
Moom 22-Feb-2005 15:51
Hey Cliff, I like the photos of my reptile pets; we'll have to add some rat pics soon right?
Joe 16-Feb-2005 01:30
These pictures are the shiT! More backgrounds for my computer. woohoo. Ace of SPades