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MontereyDave's Recent Galleries

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18-Aug-2014 21:41
Western Automotive Journalists (WAJ)
:: Western Automotive Journalists (WAJ) ::
19-Jul-2014 19:18
David Clanton
:: David Clanton ::
19-Jul-2014 19:18
16-Jun-2014 16:39
Father's Day 2014 Beverly Hills Concours
:: Father's Day 2014 Beverly Hills Concours ::
31-Mar-2014 20:20
Presidential Library Museums - Nixon and Reagan
:: Presidential Library Museums - Nixon and Reagan ::
31-Mar-2014 19:50
Petersen Classics and Cars & Coffee Irvine
:: Petersen Classics and Cars & Coffee Irvine ::
27-Jan-2014 23:40
Honda Shadow ACE 1100
:: Honda Shadow ACE 1100 ::
22-Nov-2013 00:13
My passion for cars
:: My passion for cars ::
28-Oct-2013 01:59
Pics of Emilaine Clanton
:: Pics of Emilaine Clanton ::
14-Oct-2013 16:25
NASCAR Andretti Racing Experience
:: NASCAR Andretti Racing Experience ::
02-Oct-2013 17:01
Carolina trip 2013
:: Carolina trip 2013 ::
10-Sep-2013 20:15
1997 Ford F250 Powerstroke 7.3 Liter Turbo-diesel
:: 1997 Ford F250 Powerstroke 7.3 Liter Turbo-diesel ::