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Eric Sustad | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 26-Oct-2016 14:57
val 08-Feb-2015 09:51
Just curious what you do to be able to travel for 3 months out of the year? Teacher?
EM 20-Dec-2012 04:02
I loved the pictures... plenty of them! Thank you :)
Murong 20-Jun-2010 18:47
Hi Eric! I saw your post on bootsnall about hiring someone to look over law documents for errors. The post is relatively old, but I was wondering if you were still interested! I think that I would be a good fit for the job. I'm a high school student and a total grammar and spelling freak! Thank you so much. I would love to hear from you. =)
pascal 21-Dec-2009 03:48
Hey Hello
Un coucou de Montréal
give me a call, je veux de tes nouvelles
Pascal Fioramore
Charles 21-Oct-2009 15:56
Nice pictures... it reminded me of many places I have been years ago!!! travel safe mate :)
Dave Rogers 14-Aug-2009 02:52
Jaques Derrida 14-Aug-2009 02:51
Really, you have barely scratched the surface of travel and it would appear that you have yet to grasp the true meaning of travel. Unsurprising given your limited language skills.
miguel 14-Dec-2008 21:22
Nice pictures, I see you really like to travel. Case you are thinking visit Brazil, let me suggest some useful satellite maps with lot of info for travellers at

These maps contains precise location of hotels, restaurants, beachs, touristic attractives and many more for cities like Rio de Janeiro, Foz do Iguaçu, Recife and so.
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:53
Pure talent.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 06:55
Can I just say that you're awesome?
Richard Haas 06-Dec-2006 15:24
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
pascal fioramore 16-Oct-2006 19:25
Salut Éric,
Ici c'est Pascal Fioramore de Montréal ,Québec, enfin je peux te contacter,come on give me a phone call soon.
J'espère que tu te portes bien et que tu n'as pas perdu tout ton français.
Voici mon tel: 514 278-8662/
Bandraboy 09-Oct-2006 04:02
Now I truly see why Ariel Sharon is a war criminal
Ducky 03-Sep-2006 02:57
ducky apologizes.
Dishy 25-Jul-2006 21:07
Fancy a windy tunnel, luv?
Brian 25-Jul-2006 07:40
Best regards from NY!
Brian 13-Jul-2006 16:49
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Lisa 02-Jul-2006 20:48
Very nice site!
Kelson Bush 25-Jun-2006 01:40
Whats up Eric? I stumbled upon your photo gallery. Living in AZ....Good to see you are doing well.
the cat 04-Jun-2006 09:25
Felix, you truly blow, animals.
Ducky 20-May-2006 06:52
Sorry to read your news, Ducky wishes you well. Missie Pez has my real email if required.
Lori 18-May-2006 22:27
Yo living vicariously through wishes from Chicago. Boner.
Joe Cummings 24-Apr-2006 06:18
I am a plagiarist, missie Felix a wanker.
Alex 22-Mar-2006 21:44
I will look at these later. I'll call you soon.
Harry 15-Mar-2006 11:07
Good stuff. Many thanks
orangutan 02-Mar-2006 05:57
Warum keine Fotos von TTYC? ;p
Zay 20-Jan-2006 00:21
The "cheapie" camera seemed to work rather nicely after all! Good photos. However, it seems there are no photos from your bday celebration in Playa? Hmm... ;)
Karl Fredrickson 17-Jan-2006 00:08
Law school? My condolences. How about photography tour guide? Thank you for sharing all this. What are you going to be sharing now? Your legal opinions? Keep your feet moving.
Richard Haas 25-Oct-2005 13:48
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
JBX 14-Oct-2005 15:04
Wonderful pictures .... saw your comments and this link on the ThornTree .... warning don't let your future law career impede your travel .... besides, there's way too many attorneys in this world. Good luck.
Guest 02-Oct-2005 05:25
Thanks for your comment, great shots
JoeyRamone 15-Sep-2005 23:11
Felix, you rock!
Houser 10-Sep-2005 10:33
You'll never go to Law school!!!
Odinn Thor 01-Aug-2005 23:51

Ok, I was here so, well done website
I leave my step in the guestbook.

Best greetings
Ford Parker 15-Jul-2005 23:13
Nice website! I enjoyed my visit.
Guest 12-Jun-2005 14:41
great come you can afford (time and money) to go to so many cool places...i only get to go once a year..very jealous
Robert Kitay29-May-2005 04:27
Great photos. Thanks for sharing your travels with us.
butter808fly 07-May-2005 10:09
Linked from davesesl. Wow, those are great pictures.. Ill be going to Cambodia with a friend and didnt know the actually awesomeness of it until seeing your pics! neat! I hope that I can someday have a picture collection such as yours. Happy trippin.
Katherine the Great 03-May-2005 19:23
Crazy? Perhaps. Being that I am interested in giving up a few years of my life to be yelled at and driven mad by bad Korean Owners of English language schools, I have been reading the Korean forum posts to get a better idea of the hell that I'm about to enter. Ah, the "glass is half empty" attitude is refreshing, isn't it? Anyhow, i stumbled across your little "teaching privates" debate 2003(no dirty visual intended) and, although it helps me not in the least concerning my journey to Korean, I found it far too amusing to pass up sending you an email. Hopefully being abroad hasn't stifled that entertaining sarcasm. Thanks for the laugh!
PP 24-Jan-2005 18:44
gotta 26-Nov-2004 19:51
we can help
pastor jack 11-Nov-2004 18:08
Fred Siwak 27-Jul-2004 01:35

Hello Eric, I hope you can help me. I am an artist disabled with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS "Lou Gehrig's disease " also called motor neuron disease MND. This progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease has left me paralyzed in a wheelchair unable to care for myself.

To raise awareness of ALS/MND I have started a project attempting to get a piece of my art photographed in every country in the world. I am looking for a way to get a piece my artwork photographed in Andorra. I can e-mail a JPEG image of the art to you, then you can print it, photograph the printout of my art on location and e-mail the image back to me. I ask that the picture be taken outside with some distinguishable features to tell me where the photograph was taken. I also ask that you tell me the place/ town it is photographed in and any other interesting information you might wish to include.

This is strictly a noncommercial project. Despite my severe disability, I have done a considerable amount of work for the ALS Association and the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the United States, appeared on television several times, featured in national and local publications, testified at government hearings in support of the disabled, etc.

This project seems impossible sitting at home every day in my wheelchair. But it can come true with a little help from the kindness of strangers. I ask you kindly to give it serious consideration. A small amount of your time will make a world of difference to me!

I hope you can help me with this important request or refer me to someone who can. Thanks for your time and I look forward to your response, sincerely, Fred Siwak, Ipswich, Massachusetts, United States of America. E-mail:

I'm trying so hard to reach every country. Is there any way you can help me with Andorra? Thanks!
Saton55408 10-Jun-2004 22:42
Hey, man. Call me or call you. Where is my Kimchee?



Mary 13-May-2004 21:06
Hi Eric,
I stumbled across your website by accident.
Your pics are amazing.
Hope you got your money back.
GUYMAN 13-Mar-2004 15:22
samantha 21-Nov-2003 12:22
A relly good site. Nice photos too
Allan 27-Oct-2003 16:31
Nice photos. Brings back memories from certain places I recognise.
Kevin 11-Aug-2003 22:17
Hello I see you're in Korea now. How is life there? Im really curious about Korea. I want to know if the people are friendly to foreigners. If I can I would really love to live there. Is it hard for foreigners to get a job there? I mean a real job maybe like a computer programmer... please send me an email in !! Oh by the way I'm asian, rite now I'm studying in Germany. thanks
EHusky06-Jul-2003 03:38
hi! nice collection...i see that you missed a few spots in asia. next time, you should go for a complete tour...unless you're completely satisfied with what you saw. oh well....that's only my suggestion.
tung lov 05-Jul-2003 23:55
beautiful. thank you for sharing. 8)
Norb Caulfield 04-Jun-2003 00:20
Wow! I have been on a whirlwind tour of all the exotic places you have visited.I enlarged every photo and enjoyed every minute. Look forward to seeing you this summer. Norb and LaVonne
Dr. Stone 19-May-2003 17:44
Nice photo's! Enjoy your travels!
Quack 24-Apr-2003 09:59
ooooooooh you velly handsome mister!
Guest 14-Apr-2003 10:49

good gear. i can see your enjoying the fruits and freedom from your hard time doin korean labour.

