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Heather Thornton | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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jacob kedzierski08-Mar-2013 00:03
cool galleries, i like how you have it set up by years, i may have to copy that! haha
Jack 20-Jan-2006 13:54
I just have to say you have an exceptionally stunning group of friends. They are each striking in their own way, but none more so than yourself Heather.
emma sundelin 12-Dec-2005 09:00
My name is Emma Sundelin. I´m 20 years old and live in Sundsvall, Sweden.
Here in Sweden we have something called Interpractic scholarship ( by the
swedish national labour market), that I´m searcing. The meaning with the
interpractice scholarship is to give young unemployed people the oppurtunity to gain valuble work and experience abroad.. so it will be easier to get employed back home in sweden. Anyway, I´m looking for a practicantjob with a proffesional photagrapher... So I wonder if you would like to have a practicant=)? And, if you want to have a practicant, can tell about your self and your work? I have never worked as a photographer, but I´ve gone in a photcourse and have always photograph a lot in my freetime.
Kind regards, emma sundelin
my email:
Don 25-Jul-2005 22:11
I just had to say....Heather is gorgeous!!!