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pbase Oscar the NH Cat.jpg

Rounding with Oscar

Oscar lives on the dementia unit. He is the most unusual cat that I have encountered - in that he always shows up in the last hours of a nursing home residents life to hold vigil. Has not missed a death in the past year.

This week Oscar made rounds with me when I was deciding whether it was time to refer a person to hospice. He sat in the window while I examined the patient and reflected on whether this epiosde of pneumonia would be a terminal event. He sat their knowingly looking at me - I knew that it was time, but after several years of taking care of this patient - it was sad to admit it was time.

While I can write orders for medications to keep her comfortable, I am comforted that Oscar will be at her side.

Canon PowerShot G7
1/25s f/3.2 at 7.4mm full exif

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Jackdad10-Mar-2007 21:01
a wise and proud cat.
snootydog10-Mar-2007 14:02
How long has he been with you?
Guest 10-Mar-2007 12:13
You should script a movie about Oscar! Make a good H'wood subject.
Guest 10-Mar-2007 10:47
beautiful portrait of your Oscar,
Guest 10-Mar-2007 10:09
He's amazing - and looks far wiser than most people I know (put together!)
Bryan Murahashi10-Mar-2007 04:15
Beautiful portrait of this caring Oscar. V.
Pic Chick10-Mar-2007 03:38
Ah, the return of Oscar. I remember when you guys first got him! He's very regal looking. Almost Cheshire. The power of animals never ceases to amaze me. Great shot.
Sheila10-Mar-2007 02:47
Very interesting commentary Joan.
Very dignified looking gentleman :-)
Guest 10-Mar-2007 02:15
Wonderful, everything Snooty said. V
snootydog10-Mar-2007 00:51
Now this is the most amazing thing. I LOVE stories like this and I believe I've heard something similar. But to hear it from you and to know that you are just telling the facts, makes it all that much more impressive to me. What an unassuming little guy with a huge gift. And I think it is wonderful that you have a pet there at all. I know more and more places are allowing them but not fast enough. Wow, I just love this, and the photo is so dignified