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Jerry Plemons | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Jerry Plemons
Name Jerry Plemons (joined 15-Mar-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username jplemons
Location Arlington, Texas
Arlington, Texas
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View Galleries : Jerry Plemons has 66 galleries and 4345 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 312911 times.

View Guestbook : 4 messages. Most recent on 15-Nov-2010.

Message from Jerry Plemons
Thanks for visiting!

I have been doing photography in one form or another for quite awhile starting with an inexpensive 35mm rangefinder camera in 1957. Since that time, I've used various camera brands, types, and formats, but it is the image and the impact that image has that really counts.

Photography has always been a hobby or rather a passion for me. Recently, retired, I am doing a little commercial event coverage, some portrait photography, and spending more time doing personal photography.

As far as equipment goes, I use whatever seems to fit the subject matter I am photographing. For the portrait business, I use a Canon 7D digital SLR tethered to a large-screen laptop and Alien Bees studio flash units. This setup gives me the freedom of showing the client what the finished product will look like and reassures the client that something good will come from the sitting.

I shoot black & white in both 35mm and medium format. I enjoy the "craft" that B&W demands. Spooling 35mm film, developing, scanning, Photoshoping for minor adjustments, and printing provide many opportunities for personal learning and improvement. I use a Leica IIIf RDST and a Mamiya 645 1000s for the B&W work.

Thanks again for visiting,

Jerry Plemons
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