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Michael Feistel | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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artist18-Aug-2012 11:47
Hi ... you are so creative .I like your works so much....I hope we can be good friends ....
I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. I hope we can be good friends ....

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Mike 29-Jan-2011 08:53
Hi Michael,

inzwischen ist Dein Account in der fc ja gelöscht, also werde ich hier öfters mal vorbei schauen.

So long.

Grüße - Mike
Till 13-Jul-2010 17:01
Hallo Michael,

Deine Homepage gefällt mir sehr gut! Vor allem die sehr beeindruckenden Makroaufnahmen sind für mich ein Grund künftig häufiger vorbeizuschauen.

LG Till (
Rachel 23-Jun-2010 18:43
Thanks Micheal for introducing me to this section of your work. Wow it's fantastic and the addition of information underneath is very helpful to us amatures. Love the work, keep it up.xRachel
Francois Reyneke 14-Sep-2009 00:45
Michael, you know that I am a fan. Well done. Your friend, Francois Reyneke.
Guest 20-May-2009 21:55
what a plonker
Guest 10-Feb-2009 12:32
Der letzte Gasteintrag am 27. Dezember 2008. Na, da wird es aber mal wieder Zeit :-), zumal ich regelmäßig hier vorbeischaue und mich an den Naturaufnahmen von Südafrika erfreue. Besonders haben es mir deine Ansichten von Meer und Strand, wie auch den Wolken angetan. Jedoch auch deine mit feinem Blick und Sensibilität wiedergegebenen Portraits faszinieren mich. Dabei wird erst über die Aneinanderreihung mehrerer Posen eine "Geschichte" geschrieben, die ich dann sehr gern daraus lese... Freue mich auf Neues von dir. GLG v. Steffi aus Dresden
Rudes27-Dec-2008 05:00
Mr Feistal, you have blown me away with what you have given me. It makes me humble and glad at the same time. Your photos as always are superb and the presentation in this book is mabsolutely phenomenal. Gosh I am not sure what else to say, but I am truly blessed that you took such time out to do this. I am off along the West Coast now for three days of wild nothing and my bike, cameras and surf board and hope to come home with some more good memories. Go well my friend and we shall talk soon.
Harry Mueller 03-Oct-2008 22:02
I was also born in East Germany, Sachendorf near Leipzig. I just saw your images and really enjoyed them.
I know what you mean about the South Africa, a beautiful country and lots of great opportunities for photography. I teach college in Vermont, USA and enjoy traveling. Good luck to you and be well. Harry Mueller
Rudes21-Nov-2007 06:59
Just took time out to peruse your panoramas and they are amazing. Never managed to do any yet. Seem to get the exposures and horizons wrong and so never quite get them to match up. Oh well back to the drawing board.
Rudes13-Nov-2007 05:53
The more time I spend here the more I see and learn. The thing you did with the car bonnet and engine is amazing. Well done.
Rudes05-Nov-2007 14:15
Mike, having met you and interacted with you regarding images and comments and good humour I also need to comment on your wonderful galleries. You are gifted and for guys like me still finding our feet you have given me much to learn from. Thank you for the comments, the wisecracks and the encouragement to go out there and do it.
Guest 13-Jun-2007 15:17
When I get photoshop and a new camera, I'm going to model my work after you.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:06
Your photos are good. I'll be back.
Terje Hamnes04-Feb-2007 21:13
Hi! My complements! Love especially your photos of clouds! Contrast, clarity and tonal control is impressive. Will visit again!

Guest 23-Jan-2007 09:52
I add you to my favorites Michael your photos are a great inspiration for me...thanks for sharing it.
Karen Moen20-Nov-2006 08:46
Thank you for your visit and encouraging feedback...and for the sky shot.
Tino Hecker 09-Nov-2006 16:06
hallo Micha, grüße aus der Vogtlandmetropole zu dir und deiner Familie. Kompliment zu deiner tollen HP hier und den klasse Bildern. Weiter so!
Viele Grüße Tino und Familie
Koos 06-Nov-2006 17:02
hi Bro, mooi prentjies
Claudio Tedeschi 03-Nov-2006 09:59
Hi Michael
I need so much time to view these shots. What I have seen, is breathtaking. You are a master at the task.

Steffen Albrecht 28-Oct-2006 09:19
Hallo Michael,
ich geb`s ehrlich zu, aber ohne Deine Schwester wäre ich sicher nie auf diese Seiten gekommen. Umso überraschter war ich, was man mit so einem Knipskasten :-) alles festhalten kann... Michael, ein ganz dickes Kompliment für viele Deinen Aufnahmen. Ich werde regelmäßig "vorbeischauen" und nach Neuem Ausschau halten. Mach weiter so!!! Grüße aus der Heimat
Karen Moen16-Oct-2006 19:13
Thank you for your visit and kind words. I am glad you enjoyed viewing my clouds gallery. They are one of my favorite subjects.
Daniel Reitmann 28-Sep-2006 09:28
Very interesting gallerie with beautiful shots. I am glad you enjoyed the session and the Celebrating what is right with the world DVD.