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AmandaMooSE 09-Apr-2022 11:34
[url=]Смотреть видео[/url]: [url=]особенности современной экономики россии[/url]
Edwinkah 16-Sep-2021 12:09
Есть отличный стротельный сайт

CoisuH19 05-Apr-2014 17:24
Other sources of information or a sick gecko; 2.
Chucttruh 20-Jul-2011 03:59
I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now and I always find a gem in your new posts. Thanks for sharing.
Usequenet 16-Jul-2011 04:53
Thank You For This Blog, was added to my bookmarks.
optodielmived 11-Jul-2011 05:34
Great Post. I add this Post to my bookmarks.
effildIncitle 11-Jun-2011 12:30
Very Interesting Post! Thank You For Thi Information!
Guest 26-Sep-2010 18:37
Lijepe fotke g. Miljenko. Btw monopod koji sam kupio kod Vas je fenomenalan! Svima kažem: "Moj moto je Manfrotto!"
Lijep pozdrav!

Miljenko Devcic11-Mar-2009 11:23
Hi Martine,
thanks for the nice words about my photos. I've checked your site, it's a shame I couldn't understand much :( It is absolutely OK for you to use my photos for the purpose you've mentioned in your message. I'll do my best to add some more animal photos in the near future. Sorry for the slow response; I was fighting pneumonia last month and wasn't checking pbase messages much. Your English is perfectly OK. I miss beautiful Norway; it's being 20 years now since I've visited...
Regards, Miljenko
Martine16-Feb-2009 00:00
Hi! I'm a girl from Norway, and I wondered if I might be permitted to use your beautiful dog photos in a website ? Its a website where you can be a member, and " create your own stable ". You create animals, and put pictures on the animals. For more info, you can take a look on; <-- Norwegian or <-- English.
I promise to use the photos with respect, and I can write on every animal that you have taken the picture! + link to your website! I love your photos! They are beautiful!
Sincerely Martine Olsen :)

( I'm from norway, so I'm not that good in English. Sorry if there is a lot of typos ) ;-)
Wesley Wong 05-Oct-2008 00:57
Hello Miljenkko,
First of all thank you for your great reviews on all of these lenses, I wished I had new about you before I bought some lenses in the past. Your photo samples are really what helps out a lot. I know you did these test on the Sigma 17-70 lense a couple of years ago but I had some questions regarding this lense that I was hoping you could answer. I have been a professional photographer in the past working for newspapers and have used Canon lenses so I am familiar with the sharpness. How would you compare this lense to any of the Canon L series lense. I like very much the smaller sizes of the Sigma lenses. I see no point in lugging around a Canon 17-40 f4 lense if I can use the 17-70 Sygma with similar or close to similar results. I would like your opinion on this0„2because you seem to have a great knowledge of the technical side of things. You an email me at if you get a chance and let me know what your thoughts are. Keep up the great work Miljenko !!!!!! You really do a great service for everyone professional and amateur a like. It was my professional photographer friends who let me know about your site . Thanks, Wesley Wong
Dirk 10-Aug-2008 22:11
Hello Miljenko,
hope you are healthy and your new job is O.K..
Do you have built you new ZLIN yet?

Dirk (SuperChipmunk)
Miljenko Devcic24-Jun-2008 08:17
Hi Luck,
e-mail is on the way to you! Regards, Miljenko
Denis-Luna 15-Mar-2008 23:37
Fantastično Miljenko!
Drago mi je da sam Vas imao prilike upoznati(ja sam onaj amater sa D-80;18-70 i 70-300)koji Vam je obećao biti dosadan).
U ovaj predivan svijet fotografije ušao sam tek prije dva mjeseca, mada to jako dugo nosim u sebi i nadam se da ću se i ja jednom moći pohvaliti fotografijama dostojnih Vašim.
Puno Vas pozdravljam, i do viđenja!
Guest 20-Jun-2007 07:22
Awesome photo gallery.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:42
Great work, your photo galleries are fantastic.
MrXon 05-Dec-2006 13:54
Odlicno! Vrlo motivirajuce fotke....
Pompiliy 02-Nov-2006 18:30
nice project with good design and wishes...;-))
Tana Butler 02-Aug-2006 06:46
Dear Miljenko,

Thank you for sharing your galleries. I am so new to the world of lenses, and am grateful for your samples of one of the macro lenses.

I hope I might shake your hand in friendship one day. You have helped me so much. You have helped me more than you ever might know.

Many blessings to you and all the people in your photos.

Ciao for now,
Miljenko Devcic18-Jul-2006 07:52
Many new tests and other stuff is on hold due to lack of time :( Running a company and writing for two magazines takes most of my time. Please keep checking for updates from time to time. Regards, Miljenko 26-May-2006 07:28
keep creating... Kris
Miljenko Devcic08-May-2006 10:04
Thank you for visiting my guestbook, Norman. As I wrote very lengthy reply unsuitable for this page, I have e-mailed it directly to you. Imatest batch mode changes have being addressed in appropriate DPR forum thread as well: Regards, M.
Norman Koren 08-May-2006 04:16
Hi Miljenko, I want to thank you for your excellent work. I tried to respond to a recent post of yours on, but it seems I've been banned. I've posted about two short responses to questions about Imatest in the last six months-- evidently too much for Phil, who may have a grudge against me because I wouldn't give him exculsive rights to Imatest for a pathetically tiny amount of money.

I want to let you know that your statement that Imatest Pro batch runs are limited to 20 is no longer true. You should be able to run batches as large as you like as long as you check the "Close figures after save" checkbox, which allows you to save figures without leaving too many open, which slows down computations. This is a Matlab problem I can't get around.

Be sure you have the latest Imatest version. I just released 1.6.14. It is very easy to download new versions and install them over the old one, which you don't have to uninstall. It's a good idea to check occasionally for updates. There have been many refinements since I removed the limitation of 20 batch runs-- in August 2005, I think. 19-Apr-2006 10:05
Fabulous site.
Miljenko Devcic19-Apr-2006 07:49
Hi Frank, so far I didn't test Sigma 24-70 lens. Among other two you consider, I would pick 17-70. If you check my 24-60 charts, you'll find it performs very good when stopped down, but this is not convenient in all circumstances. 17-70 gives higher resolution and contrast when fully open. Besides, I have found even higher sample to sample differences with 24-60 than it was with 17-70.
Justin 14-Apr-2006 11:01
Well done! | | | |
Frank Nosko 13-Apr-2006 06:52
Hello Miljenko,
I need a little help to make a decision. I want to buy a good all-around lens for my SD10 camera. I've read many tests of the Sigma 24-70EX and the 17-70DC, but i want to know how the 24-60EX performs. I kow it's not a popular lens but the quality maybe as good as the 17-70DC or the 24-70EX (and less expensive). If you got time can you compare these three sigma lenses together?

Thank You,
Miljenko Devcic05-Apr-2006 11:47
Today, April 5th 2006. my galleries have just exceeded 1,000,000 visits. Thank you all for visiting! I promiss to add new interesting pics and tests in the future on regular basis. Regards, Miljenko
Mario 08-Mar-2006 10:10
Ciao Miljenko
please read my 26-feb post on page "Lens reviews and tests", maybe you can help Carlos and me with just one comment. I would have already bought a D70 if only i could decide between Nikkor 18-70 and Sigma 17-70... your advice will be the most valuable for me. Thanks in advance.
Carlos 07-Mar-2006 16:00
Please help me.....

I will to buy a D50 but I dont know which lens. I think that sigma 17-70 2.8-4.5 is good, thats right? That lens need a external flash? can you take pics with built-in?
Guest 23-Dec-2005 11:27
Hvala za obidsk gallerije in za lepe želje, Jelenko
Branko Z. Ljutic 03-Dec-2005 20:45
Dragi Miljenko Devcicu,
Jasvi se sa neke strane.
Imam Olympus Mju 410, posto sam slab sa parama planiram da kupim Olympus SP-500 UZ. Sta mislis, osnovni motiv je RAW.
Richard Haas 02-Dec-2005 11:10
Could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Branko Z. Ljutic 14-Aug-2005 12:18
Dragi Devcici,
Kada neko ima kod kuce Olympus Mju 410 (kupila ga nam je 2 godina cerka Ivana na poklon), pa slika 4MP, onda pocne da mozga sta bi novo pa masta o Fuji FinPix S9500, potom krene sa konverzijom i ko zna gde na testovima digitalnih foto aparata nadje vas, kaze Bogu hvala, svet je mali.
Mi smo OK, nadam se i vi, ako dolazim na jesen u Zagreb, a svakako cu, nadam se da cu biti u prilici da vam se javim blagovremeno i koordiniramo susret.
Mi smo jos u adaptaciji stana, ne ocekujemo da cemo biti gotovi pre duboke jeseni. Imamo poziv za Rab, bio je otvoren celo ljeto, ali nismo mogli da se organiziramo. Uvek se nadamo da ce naredna godina biti bolja prema nama.
Ivana, Vesna i Branko LJutic prvo mladim, potom srednjim i na kraju najstarijim Dewtschitcsh-ima. He, heeeEEE, jos me nije sasvim napustio smisao za humor.
Miljenko Devcic18-May-2005 10:00
Hi Diane,
you probably did sharpening twice. First time when editing and saving (NCE takes in-camera sharpening setting), and second time when reopening and preparing for printing. Just my 0.02$ worth....
Guest 13-Apr-2005 17:48
Do you know why when I use NCE to do editing, then re-save it as a NEF, the photo is so much sharper than when I save it as a TIFF?
Miljenko Devcic09-Apr-2005 20:46
Hi Robin,
you got something wrong there. I never tested (unfortunately) Sigma 100-300 f/4, but my friend Kerry Pierce was kind enough to make a comparison to Sigma 50-500 so I published those shots here: That is the only spot where I mention that lens. Talking about testing Nikon tele lenses, unfortunately I don't have so good support from Nikon representative as I have from the Sigma people. I do get shorter glass from time to time, but telelens are usually not on stock...
Regards, Miljenko
Robin 08-Apr-2005 16:53
The comparison you did on those long lens is pretty interesting. I am wondering though,
why do you compare Nikkor 70-300 f4-5.6 with Sigma 100-300 f4? They are clearly not in
the same class, it would be great if you can do a comparison between, let's say, Nikkor
AF 80-200 F2.8, AFS 70-200 F2.8 and sigma 100-300 f4?

Excellent website
Miljenko Devcic07-Apr-2005 21:21
You did pretty close, Jody :) First name is spot on, while the family name has two "ch" actually. So it should sound something like Dev-cheech. Glad you found my tests useful !
Guest 04-Apr-2005 15:24
Thanks so much for your review on the Nikon 1.8. It was really helpful but I have a problem...I was trying to refer a friend to your review over the phone and I pretty sure I'm grossly mispronouncing your name. My version comes out something like "mill jenko
Dev check". Is that even close?
Stephen 15-Mar-2005 10:04
Hello can you tell me is your pin configuration for the ML-L3 is similar to this one?

I noticed that you connect to pin 11 on and the positive battery terminal.

Would you use a momentary N/O (normally open) switch ?

Any info you can provide about the pins would be great...I am not sure which method is better...I like yours:-)\

Are both pin configs the same?

Thank you



Miljenko can you send me an email to I tried contacting you from your website but the email did not work...I have an ML# remote question for you
Thank you


Miljenko Devcic09-Mar-2005 09:39
Thanks a lot, Lynn,
I'm improving every day :) Please ceck my galleries from time to time, there'll be more (and hopefuly even better pics) to come. Regards, Miljenko
Lynn 06-Mar-2005 13:30
Wow! Love your album!! You have some incrediable shots there. Really enjoyed it!
Miljenko Devcic12-Feb-2005 09:48
Olla, Luis,
ML-L3 is held on the mounted lens with Velcro strips, or better yet, with wide rubber band. I'll photograph that detail soon and put it onto that gallery!
Regards, Miljenko
Luis Martín 04-Feb-2005 12:10
Congratulations !
VERY Informative page
I specially liked your modification of the ML-L3 + 322RC2 + 322RS
maybe one of this days I'll feel "brave enough" and disassemble mine...
¿How do you place the ML-L3 on the D-70 in front of the Infra-Red Sensor???
Regards from Spain
Mario Presecki20-Dec-2004 11:09
Hvala na posjeti mojim galerijama i pogotovo na komentaru. Drago mi je da ti se sviðaju fotke.
Miljenko Devcic18-Dec-2004 15:29
Not really, Renato. Those are exact 100% crops from my test target shot that can be seen at 100% here: However, enlarging those crops to 200% could give better feeling of the action done, like I've shown here: I'll enlarge these two pics to 200% very soon, so please check them for changes!
Thank you for reading my tech gallery, with the best regards, Miljenko
Renato 11-Dec-2004 11:21
I think you forget to post the full size samples for sharpening study here:
The small sized are useless in my opinion. I see only jaggies that surely are not from sharpening but for resizing.

Thank you,
Mario Presecki10-Dec-2004 12:39
Prekrasne fotografije Miljenko!
Miljenko Devcic05-Dec-2004 22:24
Hello Renato,
here you can get a general idea of the way I'm doing resolution measurements; . So far I've done tests on 24 lenses with very interesting results. Nikkor 18-70DX is just in the middle of testing process, along with Sigma 18-50 f2.8. Keep checking my tech gallery, along with my posting on Dpreview Nikon Lens forum. Regards, Miljenko
Renato 04-Dec-2004 07:59
VERY informative, a lot of usefull info there in the lenses test page.
I want to know how you made the resolution chart of 50mm lenses, and if one for DX 18-70 of D70 is available or can be done.

Thank you,
urke 15-Jul-2004 01:27
fantasticna zbirka...
bravo ! ;)))
samo tako..