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Welcome to my Pbase home on the web. Thank you for visiting. I am a professional actor by trade and have been blessed to travel extensively in America. Since my Digital Mentor (Mighty Jack A. P.) changed my life with digital photography, photoshop and imagining reality in 2000, I have been behind a digital camera as much as possible.
I owe so much to Jack P., Jack Davis (adobe guru and swell guy), Dewitt Jones (outdoor Photography magazine columnist and Nat'l Geo shooter) and Ricky Cooke (; visit this site and GET THERE ASAP) not to mention Dad, Mom and Jennifer...
:: wildlife ::
Molokai:  A week in paradise.
:: Molokai: A week in paradise. ::
:: Infrared ::
Tampa Bay Downs
:: Tampa Bay Downs ::
Tampa Bay
:: Tampa Bay ::
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge;  New Mexico, US
:: Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge; New Mexico, US ::
Valentines' Day Sky
:: Valentines' Day Sky ::
:: recovered ::
Arizona in the Winter
:: Arizona in the Winter ::
:: kentucky_horse_park ::
Mr. Thing
:: Mr. Thing ::
Little League Baseball in rural Virginia
:: Little League Baseball in rural Virginia ::
Glen Helen Nature Preserve
:: Glen Helen Nature Preserve ::
The Preakness 2006
:: The Preakness 2006 ::
:: Kids ::