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Profile for Poblenou
Name Poblenou (joined 01-Sep-2010) (pbase supporter)
Username poblenou
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Location Catalunya
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View Galleries : Poblenou has 10 galleries and 91 images online.
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View Guestbook : 1 messages. Most recent on 15-Sep-2010.

Message from Poblenou
September 2010 Proclamation
11st September we have diner on the street !
Now its Poblenou´s festival ! Decorate the streets, the entrances and balconies. Go out on the streets, dress like Sundays if you like. Cruise around, Rambla up, Rambla down. Do you hear the music play ? Dance and sing upto days dawn. Its Poblenou Festival.
Its Poblenou Festival and the proclamation takes place on 11st September. After seeing the parade of our giants, dragons and devils, its diner time. Take a chair, a table, take a knife and a fork, a botlle and the “porró”, your mother in law, your granma, the kids…and go to downstairs. Lets have diner in the streets. Enjoy the sea breeze, have tortilla, pa amb tomàquet, mussels, macaroni or fish..or whatever you want. Have diner and chat with your neighbors. Invite a friend, run the “porró”, don´t stop the party !
Bon profit I bona Festa Major !
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