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Robert Nielsen's Recent Galleries

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03-Nov-2021 16:23
Four season
:: Four season ::
03-Nov-2021 13:55
Animals, amphibian and reptiles - In Nature
:: Animals, amphibian and reptiles - In Nature ::
28-Sep-2021 20:37
:: Seascapes ::
13-Sep-2021 11:38
Macro - Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies and Damselflies
:: Macro - Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies and Damselflies ::
23-Aug-2021 09:48
Maritime - Harbour and lighthouse
:: Maritime - Harbour and lighthouse ::
18-Aug-2021 19:31
:: Street ::
09-Apr-2021 16:50
B&W - monochrome, duotone and B&W-color
:: B&W - monochrome, duotone and B&W-color ::
01-Jul-2017 15:58
:: Music ::
03-Sep-2016 07:41
Around Denmark -  Short stories/anecdotes, architecture and landscapes
:: Around Denmark - Short stories/anecdotes, architecture and landscapes ::
18-May-2016 19:26
 London - England
::  London - England ::
15-Oct-2015 14:49
Evening- and nightpicture
:: Evening- and nightpicture ::
30-May-2015 15:18
Milan - Italy
:: Milan - Italy ::