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Profile for Elvis
Name Elvis (joined 16-Mar-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username southcresent
Location United States
United States
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Message from Elvis
I am and will always be an artist. Good or bad depends on the point of view. I am a former photo-journalist for Prick Tattoo and was the editor of Xcitement Magazine, I've been published in several magazines, locally, nationally, and internationally. I've showcased my work all over the southeast and co-owned one of Atlanta's neatest clubs, which mixed goth kids and ravers, house heads and fetish folks. I was stung by the scorpion a few times and still survived, different but alive. I was a cop and a preacher, I've been convicted of my morals and faith. I'm simple yet confounding. I am what I am. I don't fit within the framework of what most people understand but I'm not a bad person, I just look that way. I don't ride the rail because I chose it, it is where I was destined to be just like your places whereyou want to be, the difference is I don't judge you for it and ask you to justify your choices. However, I like the chasm between heaven and hell.

"Assuredly we bring not innocence not the world, we bring impurity much rather: that which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary."
John Milton

All images are owned by Elvis Thompson dba Digital Techno Photography and Kat Thompson. The majority of the model work I share rights with the models to use their photos in whatever ways they see fit. Paperwork on file at 7429 Hwy 85, Riverdale Ga 30274 per Nazi Ass Do-gooders. Let's praise those who used prohibition to stop whiskey use, the drug war to stop drug abuse, homeland security to stop terrorism and now inacted a law that requires an HG Wells Time Machine to fully comply with. I love my country, just not stupid people who make big shows with little results. Freedom is really just a word.
I am on a endless path of learning. I haven't decided where I am going to end up but I hope there is a camera in my hand where ever it is. This is where I place my shots (edited or not) to share what I do with those who want to know. I consider this place sacred ground because it's my craft we are are looking at, I may not be as good as some, I may be better than others. All that I care is that I've made the people happy who allowed me to capture them in this medium. If you want to tell me how to do a better job, I'll listen. If you want to tell me how pretty my model is, I'll pass it on. If you want to tell me how shocked you were with my shots, I did what I wanted to. I won't listen to bashing of my models looks or what I choose to shoot. Praise me, help me, or move the hell on.


"Photography is the art of capturing reflected light"
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