Message from Antonio Pierre De Almeida
" We live in a world where we are bombarded with images every single second yet we are getting everyday a bit blinder.
I guess that as photographers we ought to think about it and have a critical point of view.
Taking pictures is an act of communication. To communicate is to share with others.
If somehow I can communicate a thought or a feeling through my pictures, even if it's only by touching a single person then my picture was worth being taken and shared."
" C'est beau de rever sa vie mais il faut avoir le courage de vivre ses reves !!!! "
" Je n'ai point de style mais un point de vue "
" Entre le temps de la réflexion et celui de l'action desfois la révolution est la seule solution..."
" La photo est la communication d'un point à travers un point de vue "
" Maybe I was born wise and will die stupid "