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Grobljar Vanjo | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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artist05-Aug-2012 13:18
Hi ... you are so creative .I like your works so much....I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. I hope we can be good friends ....

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Guest 09-Mar-2012 15:16
hiI'm kook from thailand I mass y
Labi (Chatyamada Krasamu) 25-Aug-2011 13:52
You did so beautiful Pictures!,but i love also to see my Pics,that you did make fotos from me by WBF2011!Hope,you know what i'm meaning???
Thanks for all.
Many Greeting
Hodero15-Nov-2010 10:47
Hey Amigo,
I hereby bombard you to the "Supermaster" of body painting photography!!
Super great shots and presentation.
suhas 11-Aug-2010 09:46
hi, superb snaps..sir...
Jolanthe Visser 26-Dec-2009 12:51
I'm the model from Scorpio45.
With that Angel Shoot.
Here do u have my email adress.
milica 31-Oct-2008 10:45
zasto od kise vrijme je ruzno zasto bez tebe srce je tuzno od tuge za tobom srce mi vene zasto tose nisi pored mene...
gordana 31-Oct-2008 10:40
i love are angel.te sakam........
gordana 31-Oct-2008 10:40
i love are angel.te sakam........
Ana 10-Apr-2008 22:38
Great ..Great.
Christian Lallier30-Mar-2008 16:43
great job
I am a friend of Florine michele and Silvano
I have just now discovered your work.
I saw a lot of very beautiful photos not only because of the models
Jim 20-Dec-2007 06:41
I am so fascinated with your photos from the world bodypainting fest. I am so awestuck with Seeboden. Your photos really captured the art and the models various expressions. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to more.
Jihad Jean Chahine28-Jul-2007 06:35

Thks for your visit and I appreciate your comments and guidance.
Great galleries as well.
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:08
Lovely work. Share more please.
Guest 02-Apr-2007 11:04
Dear Vanjo,
You have so beautifuly in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Srdacan pozdrav iz Crne Gore i sa zadovoljstvom cu se ponovno vracati... Ako te put nanese u ove moje krajeve volio bih da se javis da popijemo pice...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:32
I love your work. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 06-Mar-2007 13:55
Your photos have reignited my passion for photography. Thank you!
Federico D'Incà15-Feb-2007 06:14
Great photos Grobljar ...tks for sharing ..!!
lovebobo131406-Feb-2007 05:09
Very interesting gallery.
Guest 30-Nov-2006 05:01
Colorful gallery and I like the portrait of people inside your gallery.
flowsnow27-Nov-2006 03:36
Thanks for your comment on one of my model pictures in my catwalk gallery. I have looked through some of your pictures and they are simply beautiful. I will definitely come back for more and bookmarked you as my favs. :D Cheers!
andrej 23-Nov-2006 19:18
kje si vanja

kje imaš slike ko si slikal iz svete ane na lovrenc nad podpečjo
Brett Hochkins14-Nov-2006 15:15
Hello Grobljar from Brett in Australia. Thank you so much for visiting my Krystal gallery and for your encouragement. It means a lot to me to be validated by a very experienced pbase photographer like yourself. You have some fine images spread throughout your galleries. Take care and hope to see you around pbase.
mario 22-Oct-2006 19:01
well doin shots
Fernando 22-Oct-2006 14:17
Hi Grobljar, i have many original pictures of bikini reef contest, are you interested on exchanging ? let me know at

Petra 18-Oct-2006 12:40
Zanimive in lepe fotografije.Nekatere ti pošljejo misli drugam.lahko si zaželiš, da bi bil tam, lahko pa ti samo obudijo pretekle dogodivšèine, ki so ti ostale v spominu.

Oglasila sem se, ker sem se odloèila, da mojih slik ne objavite na vaši strani.To pa zato, ker mi nobena ni bila posebno všeè. Lep pozdrav in še veliko lepih trenutkov ujetih v objektiv.
Guest 08-Oct-2006 05:22
I love your gallery lot of fun watching it beautiful models, portraits, ect>>>>
wildoat06-Oct-2006 08:30
You have some great pictures here will check back.
yaffa rennert06-Sep-2006 17:55
Thanks a lot for your kind comment.
I enjoyed wandering around in your galleries.
Guest 06-Sep-2006 04:34
Great galleries and thanks for the comments!!!!
Someday I'll take photos like yours!

Lilith04-Sep-2006 21:03
Thanks again!
krishan gupta27-Aug-2006 14:25
hi... how are you krishan , 28m from udaipur, india...i like your much.. i do oil on canvas.. and have a art gallery at in touch with me...are you visiting udaipur.....take care ..lots of love...bye.
Irene Firck18-Aug-2006 04:59
Hi Grobljar, Thank you for the wonderful comments on my work. Passion is exactly the right word. It's been great browsing through your galleries. You are a very talented photographer.
Kind regards,
yaffa rennert16-Aug-2006 10:33
Thanks so much for your visit and kind comment. Yaffa
Besati16-Aug-2006 04:03
Just spent a few minutes flipping through your gallery. You've got very nice collection of candids here. Thanks for visiting and your comment.
Best Regards
Peter Chou13-Aug-2006 14:37
Thank you for me the wonderful and diverse world that we live in! Bravo!
Lampridis Dimitris13-Aug-2006 06:20
Ôhanks for visiting,and your comment, My Compliments for all your galleries, QUALITY COLLECTIONS !!!
Bruna K.10-Aug-2006 15:26
Your gallery "Nature rare fenomes" is beautifulst as technical and most interesting as subject. Thanks to have visited my galleries (are one neophyte...)Ciao Brunak
Guest 10-Aug-2006 10:45
Thanks for visiting my gallery of mineral crystals. I have posted a PM to you concerning your series on testing filters.
Isan08-Aug-2006 05:23
Thank you so much for visiting my galleries.
Best regards. :-)
Guest 02-Aug-2006 14:49
Thank you for commenting on my gallery!
Richard Haas 29-Jul-2006 16:41
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
londonlawyer21-Jul-2006 22:11
Great photos!
Emad Omar19-Jun-2006 10:22
I have finally got around your gallery
and You have a good collection of pictures here!
You have a real talent
please check out my gallery
Guest 17-Jun-2006 06:53
Enjoyed your pictures. Added the site to my favourites so I can see more.
Beautiful country, hoping to visit later this year.
All the best.
Guest 07-Jun-2006 17:52
Thank you for your comment!