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Sheena Xin Liu | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

One of my life-long goal is to seek beauty, truth and meditate on natural implications.

My mind is formulated through such practice.

I recall that when I stood facing the fantastic landscape like a puny before a giant,
feeling extremely humbled by an overcast sky;

or stood bathed in the fading light of sunset, witnessing the massive migration of birds;
or stood staring up at the dense shimmering stars on top of a mountain top,
as millions may have before me, and millions undoubtedly would, I felt one with the world.

Thus, creating and recreating those images help sooth those emotions so I move forward after catching of the breath.

I want to have my special thanks to Phil, my dear photography teacher and friend, who has been constantly encouraging me and advising me to pursue the in-depth meanings and profound humanities in this journey of discovery. You can visit his album at here. Thank you, Phil!
The Dreaming Nature
:: The Dreaming Nature ::
Fantasy Scenery
:: Fantasy Scenery ::
Flying Days
:: Flying Days ::
Self portrait
:: Self portrait ::
Nationalities and Individualism
:: Nationalities and Individualism ::
You are not alone
:: You are not alone ::
My Trip to American West
:: My Trip to American West ::
Egypt Impressions
:: Egypt Impressions ::
Old collections
:: Old collections ::
But a Glance over Brazil
:: But a Glance over Brazil ::
The Ambiance of Amsterdam
:: The Ambiance of Amsterdam ::
:: kauai_2010 ::
Graduation Day
:: Graduation Day ::