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Birding Trips and Birds
:: Birding Trips and Birds ::
Landscapes / Travel
:: Landscapes / Travel ::
:: Flowers/Butterfliers ::
Bald Eagle
:: Bald Eagle ::
:: Warblers ::
:: Hawk ::
:: Hummingbird ::
Kinglet,Shrike, Flycatcher, Phoebe, Gnatcatcher
:: Kinglet,Shrike, Flycatcher, Phoebe, Gnatcatcher ::
:: Waterfowl ::
Bluebird and Bobolink
:: Bluebird and Bobolink ::
Cardinal, Bluejay, Mourning Dove
:: Cardinal, Bluejay, Mourning Dove ::
Waxwing - Towhee - Robin - thrush
:: Waxwing - Towhee - Robin - thrush ::
Owl, Harris's Hawk, Falcon
:: Owl, Harris's Hawk, Falcon  ::
Northern Harrier, Merlin, Kestrel and Osprey
:: Northern Harrier, Merlin, Kestrel and Osprey ::
:: sandhill_crane ::
Pheasant, Rail and Sandpiper
:: Pheasant, Rail and Sandpiper ::
Oriole, Eastern Kingbird, Catbird, Mockkingbird
:: Oriole, Eastern Kingbird, Catbird, Mockkingbird ::
Snowy Egret, Heron and Pellican
:: Snowy Egret, Heron and Pellican ::
Woodpeckers and Flickers
:: Woodpeckers and Flickers ::
Tree Swallow, Killdeer and Kingfisher
:: Tree Swallow, Killdeer and Kingfisher ::
Pine Siskins- Goldfinch-House Finch
:: Pine Siskins- Goldfinch-House Finch ::
Blackbird, grackle, Cowbird, Grosbeak, Starling, turkey_vulture
:: Blackbird, grackle, Cowbird, Grosbeak, Starling, turkey_vulture ::
Local Birds
:: Local Birds ::